History Trivia Game
Ages 14+ 2 Players 30-45 Minutes Gameplay
History Trivia Game History Trivia Game History Trivia Game History Trivia Game History Trivia Game History Trivia Game
History Trivia Game
History Trivia Game
History Trivia Game
History Trivia Game
History Trivia Game
History Trivia Game
the Greatest Trivia Game in the History of Mankind!

Learning something new has never been more fun! Our officially licensed, fast-playing game is filled to the brim with interesting trivia questions spanning the entirety of human knowledge – from the big bang to today!

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How To Play

  1. 1

    Set the Board

    Selection Cards signify which lettered question will be asked from each card throughout the game. Draw 1 Selection Card and place it face up on the board.

    Shuffle each category deck and place the top card from each category facedown on the board to begin the game.

  2. 2


    Play begins with the youngest player — after all, they haven’t experienced as much history firsthand as the rest of the players, so they’ll need all the help they can get!

    Select a Question Card from any one of the 5 cards available on the board. The player to their left will read the question that correlates with the Selection Card letter out loud.

  3. 3

    Collect All Five &
    Win the Game

    If the player answers correctly, they collect the card. If they answer incorrectly, that Question Card is placed in the discard pile. The current player then replaces the Question Card they answered with a NEW Question Card from any of the 5 categories.

    The first player or team to score 1 card in each of the 5 categories WINS!


Strategy (or knowing your rival’s HISTORY kryptonite) is the name of the game! Opponents can attempt to block each other from obtaining specific categories by replacing their answered question card with a category card their competition has already scored a point in.

However, there is another way to win a category if faced against a strong defense. Every 3 cards from the same category can equal 1 WILD card for any of the categories a player or team still needs to acquire.

So, fill the board with your competitor’s little-known roadblocks or send your competition down the scenic route to victory by selecting cards from their previously conquered categories. Whichever method you choose and how much (or little) you know about any given category – HISTORY can be anyone’s game!