Bad People + After Dark Expansion Pack

Bad People + After Dark Expansion Pack
Bad People + After Dark Expansion Pack
Ages 17+ 3 - 10 Players 20 - 60 Minutes Gameplay

The most savage party game ever made

Perfect for parties and adult games nights! Vote for your friends with hilarious and savage questions like “Who has done the most ‘walks of shame’?”, “Most likely to run into a former partner and not remember their name?”, “Who gets paid too much for what they do?”, “Least likely to be a target for identity theft?” Plus so many next level questions.


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How to Play

Choose an Identity

1. Choose an Identity

Choose a Player Identity Card and place it face up in front of you. Collect a Voting Card for every person playing. This identifies every player with a picture for voting purposes, for when you vote for your friends.

Ask the Question

2. Ask the Question

The last person to arrive starts as The Dictator. The Dictator picks up a Question Card and reads it out loud.

Cast the Votes

3. Cast the Votes

The Dictator silently votes by putting the matching Player Voting Card face down in front of them. Each player then casts a silent vote by guessing who the Dictator voted for.

Reveal your Vote

4. Reveal your Vote

Then - Everybody takes turns one-by-one revealing their vote, ending with the Dictator.

Did you vote the same as The Dictator? If you did, you get 1 point!

Unless you used your Double Down Card. Then you get 2 points!

The adult party game you probably shouldn’t play

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Bad People + After Dark Expansion Pack